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Clear Prosperity Blocks with Herbs and Essential Oils | The Law of Attraction

August 26, 2021

When we talk about prosperity, abundance, wealth, money, etc., we talk about strenuous efforts–hard work, pushing the limits, working day and night etc. No doubt, these physical efforts are very important-but they are just a part of the puzzle. Apart from physical energy, there are three other dimensions of our life–mental, emotional, and spiritual energy: which we often forget about and end up creating several prosperity blocks.

 Here are some of the common prosperity blocks

 Focusing too much on what you “lack” and ignoring what you “have.”

  • Being impatient and missing out the joy and happiness of the present moment.
  • Feeling that you don’t deserve to have something that you desire for.
  • Having a lack of gratitude; not appreciating the blessings you enjoy.
  • Thinking that you won’t be able to achieve what you aspire to have.
  • Imagining yourself “different” from what you actually want to be.
  • Thinking about “shortage,” and “scarcity,” more than abundance.
  • Having negative beliefs: e.g. “money is hard to come by,” or “rich people are arrogant”
  • Holding on to past failures and injuries, and not being able to “forgive” yourself.

 Law of attraction

Also known as the law of manifestation. It is one of the twelve laws of the universe. According to this law, you can shape your physical reality according to your feelings, beliefs, thoughts, and actions with the help of “focus.”

 The power of focus

Everything is made up of energy, from your thoughts to the things you desire. Like attracts like. When you focus on something and give your attention and energy to it, it comes back to you. If you think about positive things, you will get positive things; if you focus on negative things, you will get negative things in life. In other words, your feelings, beliefs, thoughts, and actions, are mirrored in the world around you.

 Activating the Law of Attraction with Essential Oils and Herbs

Essential oils and herbs join hands with the law of manifestation to create abundance.

Essential oils have been used by many cultures and religions for centuries for different purposes: attracting prosperity; bringing joy, happiness, courage, positivity, etc.; healing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual diseases; and much more.

There are dedicated essential oils for bringing prosperity to life. They can relieve physical and emotional tension; have positive thoughts; feel happy, optimistic, joyful, and courageous; and overcome all spiritual blocks so that you can have a better “focus”–the key to activating the law of attraction.

 How to start?

All you need to do is to pick the right herbs and essential oils, blend them (they perform better when they blend), and incorporate them into your life.  If it sounds difficult to you, you can go with the easier, and more creative way: using products with the right blend of the right herbs and essential oils, and an easy method of application. You can find such products online, but if you want to skip the research phase, Happiness Blends–a trusted name for chemical-free and 100% vegan products–has got you covered. Here are some of their signature products:

House Prosperity Bundle

This amazing bundle (house wash, spray, and incense) is made with essential oils and herbs that are believed to attract prosperity and wealth. They will help you improve the energetic health of your home to attract abundance and prosperity.


Prosperity Oil

This amazing oil is especially designed to bring prosperity and abundance to your home. Its wonderful aroma will lift your mood and bring positive thoughts, feelings, and emotions; and motivate you to achieve your goals.


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