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The Right Mindset for Spiritual Healing and the Spiritual Principles

August 26, 2021

Why do we perform spiritual cleansing and spiritual healing? Why do we invest in spiritual healing products–essential oils and herbs? Why do we spend our time and energy finding new ways to remove blockages and negative energies? Just to feel better, right? But do you know, one simple mistake can ruin your entire experience: not having the right mindset.

Mindset includes a set of assumptions or notions that you hold about something. If you have an assumption about something–different from its reality–you may develop unrealistic expectations from it. And when those expectations are not met, you may feel bad. If you want to avoid such consequences throughout your spiritual journey, you need to have the right mindset.

 The Right Mindset for Spiritual Healing

Next time you perform spiritual healing, you should keep in mind that it’s not about essential oils, herbs, crystals, and other spiritual tools; your healer; or the environment. It’s about you. It’s about your awareness of the higher truths. No matter how pure and natural your essential oils and herbs are–and how effectively you use them, how experienced your healer is, or how spiritual the environment is, spiritual healing is not going to work if you are not the right candidate for it.

So, the right mindset for spiritual healing is: consider yourself the most important factor in the effectiveness of spiritual healing. You need to make sure you are the right person to be spiritually healed. But, how can you verify that? It’s simple: look for the spiritual principles which enable you to grow spiritually.

 Spiritual Principles

Here is the list of spiritual principles that can help you become the right candidate for spiritual healing. 

  1. Accept the things or situations that are not under your control–even if you dislike them.
  2.  Welcome new thoughts and ideas with an open mind–even if they are different from your own.
  3. Be humble and acknowledge that the assistance of others is very important in your life.
  4. Confront your weakness, faults, and shortcomings; and have the courage to deal with them.
  5. Appreciate what the good things–no matter how small–that you have.
  6. Learn to forgive others as well as yourself–without letting the resentment to grow
  7. Help others with a sense of “giving back” back to your environment. This is called service.
  8. Show tolerance in frustrating situations and let upsetting circumstances pass, with patience.
  9. Have faith in a “higher” power–that is beyond you. Also, believe in the power of positivity in the universe.
  10. Reach out to people that you have wronged, and apologize. You will see a very healing outcome.

This is not a complete list; only the most important principles are highlighted here. By following these basic spiritual principles, you can make your spiritual healing process more effective.

If you want to make sure that all your efforts for spiritual healing do not go in vain, you should step back and have a wider view that includes “you” as an important factor in the effectiveness of your spiritual journey–along with the important things like spiritual products, your healer, and the environment, etc. Without this (right) mindset, you may find it difficult to achieve your spirituality goals, and end up feeling dissatisfied with your actions. If you don’t follow the spiritual principles in your life, you may not be able to maintain attention to spiritual healing, absorb the positive energies, achieve self-awareness, and get the best out of your spiritual journey.

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