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Happy Home Bundle




House cleansing is an ancient practice used to remove negative energies from your dwelling that cause spiritual disturbances, negative thinking, worry, fear, feelings of hopelessness, anger, resentment, anxiety and unhealthy relationships. 


The benefits of House cleansing are bringing Balance and Harmony of Mind, Body and Spirit. Eliminate disharmony in the home, disturbing dreams and nightmares, unwanted negative energies, unexplained disagreements and quarrels and unrest amongst family members. Your home now feel peaceful, happiness and full of love.

 How to use

Essentials:  Water, Earth Blends for Happiness Happy Home Cleansing House Wash, Container, Mop, Spray Bottle.


1 – Mix 16 ounces of Earth Blends for Happiness Cleansing House Wash concentrate with 1.5 -2 gallons of water.

2 - Open or crack window/partially open door

3 – Read provided Scriptures (if Christian), Pray and say provided Affirmation.

4 – Begin mopping floors or spraying carpet in rooms furthest to the rear of the home. If you have multiple levels start from the top and come down.

5 – Work your way towards the (partially open) front door

For best results follow with Clearance Incense and House Clearance spray after floors are completed.

Essentials:    Earth Blends for Happiness Cleansing Incense, Incense burner, charcoal, Earth Blends for Happiness House Clearance Spray.


1 - Light charcoal, let burn until fully lit.

2 - Place Incense on charcoal.

3 - When incense begins smoking you can walk around each room in your home letting the smoke permeate throughout.

4 - Use Earth Blends for Happiness Clearance Spray.  

After Cleansing your home wait 24 to 72 hours and then use the prosperity house system. 

When negative energy occupies a space and it is dispelled the space must then be filled with the positive energy of Prosperity and Success.


We want to attract our prosperity to manifest into our lives the things we want and to harvest the benefits of success.

How to use

Essentials: Water, Earth Blends for Happiness House Prosperity Home Wash, Spray Bottle


1 – Mix 16 ounces of Earth Blends for Happiness House Prosperity Wash concentrate with half - one gallon of water.  Pour mixture into spray bottle and spray the floor and carpet beginning in the front of the home working your way to the rear.

2 – Read provided Scriptures (if Christian), Pray and say provided Affirmation.

4 – Pour mixture into spray bottle, spray floors and carpet beginning in the front of the home.

5 – Work your way to the rear of your home.

For best results follow with Prosperity Incense and sprays.

Incense & Spray House

Essentials:  Earth Blends for Happiness Prosperity Incense, Incense burner, charcoal, Earth Blends for Happiness Prosperity Spray.


1 - Light charcoal, let burn until fully lit.

2 - Place Incense on charcoal.

3 - When incense begins smoking you can walk around each room in your home letting the smoke permeate throughout.

4 - Use Earth Blends for Happiness House Prosperity Spray.  Spray entire House with House Prosperity Spray.



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